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Leads that generate growth

We provide warm leads for B2B companies by building a streamlined and automized marketing and sales process

Gain knowledge for sales

Are you exploiting your potential in the market?

We help target your marketing so that you don’t just get leads but get the right leads.

Together we create fertile ground for growth

A lead is not just a lead

Sales and marketing often do not have the same definition of a lead.

We ensure a common understanding of what a good lead is. Then we implement lead scoring, where each lead is scored with points based on the contacts with it.

The result is warm leads that are easy for salespeople to work with.

Work smarter

We leverage the opportunities of automation to remove the trivial work in sales and marketing.

This provides increased efficiency and focuses where the best results are created.

We call it focus for growth!

Show me the numbers!

At LeadFighter, we make marketing and sales measurable and use data as an active management tool.

We measure everything we can measure when working with lead generation.

This way, we can ensure the right focus in sales and marketing while creating an effective management tool.

You are experiencing

Large fluctuations in sales

Marketing activities without measurable KPI’s

Salespeople customers

Lack of documentation

Poor systematics

You would like to

Use salespeople’s time to sell

Be data-driven

Have a constant flow of leads

Create coherence between sales and marketing

Automate as much as possible

Many B2B companies have a large untapped potential

20 years of experience with B2B lead generation

We have worked with B2B lead generation for over 20 years. The tools have changed, but the theory is still the same.

We ensure systematic and structured lead generation for our customers.

Would you like to know more about how we can focus so that you get knowledge for sales and growth?

Would you like more leads?

Would you like more leads? Would you like help with a lead generation setup that is scalable and can also be used in export markets?

  • We make marketing and sales measurable
  • We have experience with lead generation from several hundred companies
  • We create coherence between sales and marketing
  • We give you time to focus on developing relationships and good customer dialogues.

At LeadFighter, we are lead generation specialists and have experience with several hundred companies.

We help with an effective marketing and sales setup that ensures a constant flow of qualified leads.

How to get started!

Having a proven plan and taking one step at a time is important when we need to streamline and automate a marketing and lead generation setup.

You need a plan for how to get safely from start to finish.

We have that, and we also have a number of specialists who can supplement your setup so that you can achieve a good and efficient solution that creates a foundation for growth.

1. Startup

Together we create a foundation so that we know the starting point and what needs to be done when creating a success.

2. Execution

We create a plan that, step by step, gears up your lead generation so that together we create a solid foundation for both the short and long term

3. Operation

Optimize, optimize, optimize.
We measure everything and ensure that we optimize our efforts so that we always ensure a steady stream of leads.

Knowledge for sales

Use your sales time wisely

Focus on sales

We help you get an overview of processes so that you can automate as much as possible and focus on creating and developing relationships.

Marketing upgrade

It can be difficult to have all the necessary skills in-house. We help you perform the work or upgrade your employees.

Get your own marketing team

There is not much time for extra tasks. Therefore, you get attached to a team that can help you with the tasks you do not have the skills or time for.

Are you interested in more warm leads?

Would you like to grow your business through effective lead generation?

Then give me a call or send an email and hear what we can do for you.

Call me at +45 23 927 927 or mail


Peter Adolfsen

Hvad gør vi når først vi er i gang?

Det er vigtigt ikke at stoppe op. Noget af vores arbejde har en øjeblikkelig effekt , mens andet arbejde som SEO og branding giver jer nye kunder mange år frem.


Vi arbejder på at gøre så meget af vores arbejde målbart, så I præcis kan se hvad I får for pengene, og i vi ved hvor vi skal trykke på speederen og hvor vi skal slippe den.

Hvad får I?

Hver måned sammensætter vi en pakke der er tilpasset jeres virksomheds behov lige nu og her. Nogle måneder vælger vi at skrive et Whitepaper og en anden en ny Facebook kampagne. På den måde sikrer i at I altid for mest muligt for pengene.

Email marketing

Vi planlægger og udsender løbende nyhedsbreve baseret på kundernes interesser.


Vi holder fokus og gennemføre en en langsigtet SEO strategi der sikrer at I kommer til tops på Google.

Marketing Automation

Baser på kunde aktivter og jeres kampagner opsætter vi og optimere email flows der konverter leads til kunder.

Online Marketing

Vi bruger online marketing til at tiltrække nu kunder og remarketing til at fastholde dem vi har fat i.


Vi analyserer og måler på alt hvad vi gør, så vi ved hvad der fungere og hvad vi skal forbedfre.

Lead Magnets

Sammen skriver og udvikler vi lead magnets der hjælper os med at skaffe leads, vi kan konverte til kunder.

Would you like to see how marketing automation works in practice?

Book a free demo.